Delta Kites

Most common of Kites, the Deltas. It's triangular shape catches the wind easily, making flying it a piece of cake. An ideal kite for starters and amateurs. Additional of tail(s) is optional for most models, in which the tail will stabilize the kite in flight, as there's a addition weight at the end.


Light Weight Large size Deltas (Parachute Material) (D007) Very Hot item!
  • Given it's VERY Light Weight, this Kite can soar even with the lightest of wind
  • Addition of  tail is optional
Colors :  (Red, Blue & White) / (Red & Gold) 
Dimension : 4.7m x 2.4m
Price : $125


Angel Fish Delta (D001)
Colors : Black / Orange / Red
Dimenson : 2.6m x 6m
Price : $22


Gekko Delta  (D002) 
Colors : White / Green / Orange
Dimension : 1.5m x 1m + 3m Tail
Price : $10 - $15


Mid size Delta (D004)
Colors : Black / Red / Blue
Dimension : 3.5 x 1.7m
Price : $40


UFO Deltas (D005)
Colors : Checker Red & White / Checker Black & White / Checker Blue & White
Dimension : 1.5m x 2.4m
Price : $23


Rainbow Deltas (D006)
Colors : Assorted Rainbow Colors
Dimension : 1.5m x 1m
Price : $15

